11 May 2022

Pest management: risk mitigation for non-target species

Having our roots in conservation, we know that zero non-target kills for any effective pest management tool is a challenge. No two environments are the same - neighbouring backyards can vary due to the in-situ flora and fauna. This makes a ‘one size fits all’ country-wide plan impossible. But we are 100% committed to getting the balance as optimal as possible, ensuring a swift removal of pests to increase biodiversity outcomes while mitigating the risk to non-target species.
Pest management: risk mitigation for non-target species

Having our roots in conservation, we know that zero non-target kills for any effective pest management tool is a challenge.

No two environments are the same - neighbouring backyards can vary due to the in-situ flora and fauna. This makes a ‘one size fits all’ country-wide plan impossible.

But we are 100% committed to getting the balance as optimal as possible, ensuring a swift removal of pests to increase biodiversity outcomes while mitigating the risk to non-target species.

We seek to do that by:

  • Our customer care team capturing all feedback (including non-target) for discussion with our animal research and product design specialists.

  • We have a global conservation manager with 30+ years of small and large scale pest control experience in both NZ and overseas who regularly works with community and professional groups to ensure networks are optimised to their environments.

  • We have an ecology and animal research team who are constantly trialling/testing in real world environments (and arguably ones that have some of the most at risk ground dwelling bird species).

  • We have a design engineer dedicated to A24 trap refinements based on both design improvements and feedback from customers.

  • We are working on achieving a quantification of target animals killed vs environment health so that we might all be able to evaluate the risk/reward of pest management practices.

We’d also be grateful if you could contribute to our journey by emailing feedback or insights on species you’ve noted interacting with or being drawn close to your trap. 

If you have concerns around non-target species in your area consider the following tips.

Tips for outdoor non-target mitigation (prior to trap installation):

  1. In the first instance, we would recommend you email us for risk mitigation advice. Our global conservation manager will consider the species in question and provide possible installation recommendations (for example trap height can mitigate risk to non-climbing species).

  2. Use your Rodent Detector Cards for several days prior to trap installation. While these cards are useful for finding optimal trap location they may also provide insights about what species are in the vicinity and showing interest in the rodent lure.

  3. Once you’ve established ideal trap placement (where rodents are feeding, evidenced by the cards), set up your trap but do not screw in the gas canister. You’ll be able to see what species interact with the trap without fear of it striking them (consider using a camera to help monitor activity). Once you’ve established no interaction of concern, add the gas canister to make the trap ‘live’.

  4. If you do see evidence of non-target species interacting with the trap or you already know you have curious creatures, consider installing the trap indoors (again, use detector cards to support ideal trap placement) or the seasonality of your trapping. Autumn/beginning of winter are classic breeding times for rodents and cooler months will draw them indoors (into roof spaces, garages, basements and sheds).

Please note: for any effective pest management tool, there is a threat to non-target animals. Goodnature tips and advice are devised to mitigate not prevent risk entirely.
